Parking Wait List

Sign up

When parking facilities reach maximum capacity, a wait list is put in place.

How It Works

  1. Complete the wait list form below and submit.
  2. Check your email right away for instructions to complete the wait list process.
  3. When a space is available, we will notify you by email.
  4. You will have 10 business days to respond about the available space. After 10 business days, your name will be dropped from the wait list.

If you would like to change a submission, please use the link in your confirmation email or call us at 402-441-PARK (7275).

There are many factors that impact availability, and we can't predict how long the wait will be. You will be contacted in the order in which you were put on the wait list.

Parking Wait List Form *

Facility Choices
Please select a facility

Event Parking Parking Cards